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RevivEE Eastern Europe

One Team, One Country, Ten Months, Repeat

Welcome to RevivEE

Eastern Europe is an amazing family of Churches consisting of 21 countries, 270 million people, with 24 fellowships and over 3000 brothers and sisters.

RevivEE is a program to invigorate the faith and growth of our churches in Eastern Europe. We have twelve countries, with no church or a fellowship of less than a hundred disciples. 

We are looking to build teams that will move to a specific country for 10 months, to help us build a critical mass of growth and faith. 

Is God calling you, to spend a year, to change the vector of Christianity for a country? We are praying for you to consider Eastern Europe! 


Program Leaders

Shawn and Lena Wooten have spent more than 27 years planting and leading churches in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Having appointed a new lead evangelist and eldership in Kiev, they are exicited now to be focusing on the other nations in Eastern Europe. 

They are praying to gather a radical group of Christians to come and radically share their faith, producing a harvest that will set up the city to evangelize the county.


Pray... Consider...  to join the team and be a part of helping revive Christianity for a nation!

Who are we looking for?



Caleb Couple's are empty nester disciples that provide the RevivEE team with shepherding support, as well as begin an eldership and pastor training program in the local church. In the setting of a nation that is first generation Christianity, the wealth of experience of our older disciples - play a crucial role in building healthy churches. Take a year of retirement, and help us train and model the shepherding heart of Christ!


Globe Changers

Globe Changers are radical disciples taking a 10 month challenge helping lead the harvest. This team will spend time converting as many people as possible. The trainers will help prepare and equip you to be fruitful and effective on the Mission Field and in seeking and saving the lost. Is God calling you to take a step of faith, to impact a nation for generations to come? 



With 21 nations there is a great need for young ministers to catch a dream and a vision to be used by God to build churches overseas. There are still countries in Eastern Europe that are not hearing the Gospel. We are looking to bring over missionaries, who will continue their journey to being appointed Evangelist and woman's ministry leaders. Do you have a dream to me in the ministry over sea?

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