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Why RevivEE?

God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son. God loved us first! When we were lost, and in sin, it was at this moment, God extended not just forgiveness of sins, he extended adoption papers. This act of love has a profound impact on the lives of the people who experience it, and accept it! 


The response we see to this act of love in the Bible, is a complete devotion to the one who offered it! It also triggers a desire to spread this Good News, as it was meant not just for the one who has received it, but for every soul on planet earth. 

We watch the response in Isaiah, after he received forgiveness of sins, God asked - who will go for me? Who will go after my lost children?  "Here am I, send me!" I will go for you Lord. I was dead, now I am alive, only because of you! So I will live this life for you! Paul challenges us to the same heart, when he calls us in view of God's grace to give our lives as a living sacrifice! 


Matthew 28 - calls us to go to all nations. Not just our nation. There are nations being saturated by the Gospel today, and we praise God! But there are nations that are not. There are nations today actually without any church at all. There are nations that have less than a hundred disciples and unfortunately they have not been able to breakout into a movement that is reaching their country.


That is why we are launching RevivEE! We believe God will move the hearts that are filled with compassion for those nations, that are in need of strengthening.

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