The Team
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. - Jesus
We believe the harvest is plentiful - but we need workers! That is why we are asking God to fill your heart with a desire to sacrifice for a country who is need of the Gospel.
We are looking for a large enough team - to not just present or teach the concepts of Christianity - but a team that is able to demonstrate the scriptures. We need the first century church to come alive in Eastern Europe.
One of the most important factors in being on a mission team, is humility and the ability to love the team. It is our love for one another that will convince the lost we are His Disciples.
If you are chosen to be on the team, training will start weekly. This helps us invest in our relationships. It is important that when we land on the field, we are like "one".
Program Directors
Shawn and Lena Wooten are the RevivEE program leaders. They have been tasked with preparing and recruiting the team, and implementing the strategy - of helping the team to be fruitful and effective. Shawn and Lena were on similar teams as the early churches in the Former Soviet Union were planted. Seeing rapid growth and the sacrifice that is needed, are ready to train teams, to launch this concentrated effort in other nations in Eastern Europe.
The Wooten's have in the last 6 years, focused on raising up a replacement lead evangelist and an eldership for the Kiev Church, to free themselves up to focus on the other countries in Eastern Europe. Also heading up the Eastern European School of Missions that has placed missionaries in the Ukraine, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Excited now about producing a platform for training that is not just in our bigger churches, but on the mission field itself.
Shawn and Lena are excited to train and equip those who come on the team. Some will catch a dream for the mission field, as Shawn and Lena have - and will spend their lives preaching the word in foreign lands! Some will come for a year, get training and have an experience of a life time, returning home with a perspective and an experience that will change the way they walk with God, and do ministry for the rest of their lives!
Follow Shawn and Lena on Instagram and Facebook:
With 21 nations there is a great need for young ministers to catch a dream and a vision to be used by God to build churches overseas. There are still countries in Eastern Europe that are not hearing the Gospel. We are looking to bring over missionaries, who will continue their journey to being appointed Evangelist and woman's ministry leaders. The RevivEE training and experience will push us to the edge of our faith, as we will aim for solid but rapid growth, in a foreign language and culture environment. You will learn to rely on God like never before.
We are calling you to come and spend a year in Eastern Europe. You will be trained by the trainers of the team. You will lead the harvest team of Global Changers. The goal of our collective faith will be the salvation of many souls.
Our prayer is to introduce more future ministers to the mission field. Some are uniquely gifted to make the mission field their home. If this is the case, we have 6 countries that still need to be planted - there are many opportunities for our missionaries to stay and plant new nations.
If it is God's will for you to return home after a year, you will return home with a completely different perspective on life, and ministry and what it will take to evangelize the world. You will also be a personal inspiration for the generation after you, as one who took the leap and served overseas. Your walk with God, and the lessons God will teach you, will forever impact the way you do ministry.
God has blessed our churches in the USA with a great depth and maturity in our fellowships. In Eastern Europe we are facing the challenge of first Generation Christianity. Almost all of the current members where converted from atheism. They did not grow up in homes that prayed, or believed in God. We want to not only launch a powerful youth movement we also want to provide an example of maturing in Christ for our older members of the Eastern European Churched. So the Caleb team will have three focuses.
The Caleb team will shepherd the RevivEE team. Moving to a foreign nation can be challenging and we will need the Caleb team to provide discipling and encouragement to our young missionaries.
The Caleb team will do a lot teaching and counseling on marriage, and parenting, helping the families to grow and be strong.
The Caleb team will start the process of training and raising up elders. This is an amazing opportunity to leave behind a spiritual legacy that will impact these nations for generations to come.
Globe Changers
The name says it all!
A group of One Year Challenge disciples with a vision to join a team for impact that goes way beyond any individual. To be used by God to convert the future leadership of a nation. It will be a relentless pursuit of the open heart, and a commitment to set an example of Christ as a group to the amazing churches of Eastern Europe.
If you feel chosen by God for this adventure of a lifetime, you will have an amazing opportunity to be trained and walked with by missionaries, and learn how to build a ministry from scratch. The opportunity of spending a year in a different culture pulls you into a much deeper reliance on God. It will change your perspective on global missions and you will be able to encourage and inspire others to step out on faith to reach countries that are spiritually impoverished.
The Globe changer role - lasts for 10 months, and is a self funded role. The estimated total expense to come for 10 months, is $8200. We want to ask you to raise the entire amount before coming. This will make you available to share, study and convert as many as possible and make this 10 months one of your most impacting spiritual experiences.
The globe changer team will be from 15 to 20 brothers and sisters, so you will have an amazing team of support as you land and start to preach the word.
Now is the time. It never gets easier. Take a year of your life and let God use you!