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Program Directors

Shawn and Lena Wooten are the RevivEE program leaders. They have been tasked with preparing and recruiting the team, and implementing the strategy - of helping the team to be fruitful and effective. Shawn and Lena were on similar teams as the early churches in the Former Soviet Union were planted. Seeing rapid growth and the sacrifice that is needed, are ready to train teams,  to launch this concentrated effort in other nations in Eastern Europe.


The Wooten's have in the last 6 years, focused on raising up a replacement lead evangelist and an eldership for the Kiev Church, to free themselves up to focus on the other countries in Eastern Europe. Also heading up the Eastern European School of Missions that has placed missionaries in the Ukraine, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Excited now about producing a platform for training that is not just in our bigger churches, but on the mission field itself.

Shawn and Lena are excited to train and equip those who come on the team. Some will catch a dream for the mission field, as Shawn and Lena have - and will spend their lives preaching the word in foreign lands! Some will come for a year, get training and have an experience of a life time, returning home with a perspective and an experience that will change the way they walk with God, and do ministry for the rest of their lives! 

Follow Shawn and Lena on Instagram and Facebook:



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